October 2, 2017
These two fine young men, both A students at UNPS, represented their tribe on Saturday, September 30th, in Omaha at the Metro Community College Pow-Wow!
October 2, 2017
Beauty and the Beast
By: Ellianna and Tanisha
On Sunday John Mangan took students to see the play “Beauty and the Beast” since they are le...
September 29, 2017
This week’s class activity report is on Mrs. Lovejoy’s class. She teaches fourth and fifth grade reading. Her main focus is teaching Guided Reading. The kids enjoy being read to. ...
September 29, 2017
On Friday, Sept. 15, Ms. Latonda Morris and Rex Webster, Elementary Culture Apprentices, took the K through 5th grade Culture Classes to a field experience. The trip was to the N...
September 27, 2017
Superintendent Stacie Hardy and BOE members Darren Wolfe, Orville Cayou, and Carroll Webster Sr. met with Congressman Jeff Fortenberry this morning, thanking him for his continued...
September 26, 2017
Our staff spotlight now is on Mrs.Cortez. She used to teach second grade here at Umonhon Nation until she became a home interventionist. Ms. Cortez is a home interventionist now ...
September 20, 2017
T ravis Tarman is the new secondary principal at Omaha Nation. Mr. Tarman’s hobbies are sports, his kids, playing cards, and pizza buffets. Mr. Tarman’s favorite sports are foot...
September 17, 2017
Homecoming Week Days: Oct. 2 nd – 6 th
Theme is Arabian Nights (Egyptian theme) --the main colors of ancient Egypt were: green, red, blue, yellow, black, and white
September 17, 2017
The Omaha Nation Homecoming parade will be on Friday October 6 th 2017 and starting at 2:00pm. We would like for you to participate in the parade (You may enter a float, watch, e...
September 14, 2017
“Back to School,” was the theme of last Wednesday’s Community Night, the first of the new school year. There was plenty of fun to go around as students and parents participated ...
September 12, 2017
The Culture classes recently received the long-awaited textbooks for teaching our Umonhon language. Included with the Level 1 textbook are a teacher workbook and flashcards. The...
September 7, 2017
Today, the staff spotlight is on Ricky, aka Richard L Sheridan. Ricky works here at UNPS. Ricky helps as a teacher aide and is a certified sub here at Omaha Nation. Ricky's favori...
September 6, 2017
It was a great first game of the year for the Junior High football team. Last Friday night the UNPS Jr. Chiefs played against Winnebago. The team played hard and tried to put int...
September 1, 2017
What is happening in Middle School?
By: Kacyn Harlan (Ms. Kneifl’s Advisory Class)
Ms. Kneifl’s classroom has a special pet. They have a praying mantis. This is t...
August 31, 2017
Here at Omaha Nation we have good news around our school. I'll tell you about how our school is improving and becoming better.
First, we have gotten less strict with our school...
August 31, 2017
Last week Mrs. Kneifl’s eighth grade class watched the Solar Eclipse. It had happened on August 21st, 2017. All of North America caught a glimpse of it. The Solar Eclipse is when ...
August 31, 2017
Head Coach Picks Her Varsity by Selena Parker
On Wednesday, August 23rd, head coach for the volleyball team, Shannon Gibson, and assistant coach Mike Fe...
August 30, 2017
Today's staff spotlight is on Ms.Ona Parker, who is a para for Mrs. Peterson’s class room. Ona has been working here for over a year now while attending college at NICC. What she ...
August 10, 2017
All students will be dismissed at 3:30 pm. This decision will accommodate older children in helping younger siblings home in a safe manner.
Students living in the district but ...
July 29, 2017
UNPS and Native Dream Present the Native Dream Girls Youth Basketball Camp on Thursday, August 3rd 2017. The event takes place at the school and is open to girls grades 3-6. Regis...