PROM IS COMING! Prom will take place Friday, April 13th from 6-11
***The theme is Hollywood (majority of juniors voted for)
***Open to all eligible students in grades 9-12
***Cost $4/individual $6/couple
***Pizza, Cake, and Pop served
***Get your tickets today from Ms.Hough!
Join us for K-2 Easter Literacy Day Tuesday March 27th from 2:00pm to 3:00pm in the K to 2nd grade classrooms. All family members invited!
Community Night happening right now at UNPS until 7pm. Come down for crafts, college applications, and food!
Foster Grandparent Program seeking volunteers.
Standup Against School Violence: A 17 Minute Assembly and Presentation to honor the victims of school violence. Wed. 3-14, 12:09 - 12:26 in New Gym for 7th - 12th grade students. Open to Community
More pictures from Middle School and Read Across America Day!
Students in Ms. Kneifl's room celebrated Read Across America day as well!
We celebrated Dr. Seuss and his birthday by reading the book, Fox in Socks, with Mr. Wanning.
We recently celebrated Read Across America Day, and the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
We recently celebrated Read Across America Day, and the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
We recently celebrated Read Across America Day, and the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
We celebrated Choose Kind last week at UNPS, where students were engaged in kindness lessons and projects, leading to the culminating day on Thursday, when everyone received a Choose Kind shirt.
Schedule reminder: No School today, Friday March 9th for teacher in-service
There will be a two hour late start tomorrow, March 7th, for UmonHon Nation Public Schools and Omaha Tribe Head Start,due to poor travel conditions. School will start at 10:00am.
Due to weather, school has been cancelled today, Tuesday March 6th.
UNPS will have a 10am late start tomorrow Tuesday March 6th due to weather conditions.
Due to weather, UNPS will have an early out today, Monday March 5th. All students will be released at 11:45am with routes also beginning at that time.
Kindness Week Dress Up Days
Tuesday, March 6: Nothing Beats Kindness or Team Kindness Day - wear your favorite sports team shirt!
Wednesday, March 7: Dream of Kindness Day -wear your PJ’s!
Thursday, March 8: UNPS Kindness Day :wear your new Choose Kind Shirt (teacher will give it to you in the morning)
Students celebrate Read Across America Day by checking out books by Dr. Seuss, whose birthday on March 2nd marks the annual event.
Congratulations to the Umoⁿhoⁿ Nation Quiz Bowl Team! They have been selected for the 25th Annual Academic Quiz Bowl Competition between High Schools representing Nebraska Educational Service Units on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. It will start at 1:00 p.m. at the Nebraska Prairie Museum, one mile north of Holdrege on Hwy. 183, and last until approximately 5:00 p.m.